Show 40 - May 19

Reducing rubbish and food waste – it’s easy and we can all do our bit

Two Natural Ladies discuss many environmental initiatives they have been involved with or created, picking up 3 pieces of rubbish every day, the amazing Beach Patrol and Love Your Street initiatives as well as single use plastic recycling. We explore 4Oceans and the incredible work they are doing throughout the world, picking up 100,000’s of tons of rubbish out of our oceans.

Great hilarity as Jo and Vicki discuss in depth how to responsibly get rid of Jo’s trophies- smash them up for a Mosaic! 🏆🤣

Can Leanne Closter help? Or Tanya Lewis from Eco organiser?

How to live happily in a Tiny Home

- creating a community

- Decluttering for simplicity and affordability for families

-spending time with the family rather than working 80 hours a week to make ends meet.

- better for our environment


Finding out how much food we waste, why we waste it and how we can stop wasting it- Facts from  “Every Woman’s Guide to Saving the Planet” from Natalie Isaacs  one million women

Businesses Innovative ways of using left over food – donate it, make it into plates, compost it

WE chat with Josie Jones Australian of the Year Victorian Local Hero 2020 from Rye. Josie has been recognition for a number of awards – has picked up 5.6 tonnes of rubbish and picks up an average of 3 kilos of rubbish a day including the litter in the sand Josie also discusses the benefits of keeping our streets clean and how this reduces crime as well as Peninsula’s Last Straw initiative – save 80% of straws

Making a difference: helping, supporting, teaching people to find their own solutions